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People and partnerships are the centre of everything we do

Partnerships Save Lives 

Male suicide is a silent epidemic.
Too often, men suffer in silence, afraid to share their struggles and seek help due to the stigma surrounding male mental health issues.

The time for change is now. We must come together as a society to break down barriers, challenge gender bias, and create environments where men feel comfortable discussing their mental health. That's where the “Tough To Talk Partnership Saves Lives” Campaign comes in. 

A United Front Against Male Suicide 

Businesses and communities are joining forces with the Tough To Talk Campaign to support the men in their organisations who grapple with mental health issues and suicidal thoughts.

By partnering with us, organisations will be equipped with the tools and confidence needed to transform their entire workplace into a safe space where men can openly reach out for the support they require. 

Your Partnership Matters 

"Partnerships save lives." This statement rings true as community and business leaders work side by side to eradicate the stigma within their organisations, which will ultimately extend to family life and society as a whole.

Through these collaborative efforts, we can tackle generational stigma and gender bias, paving the way for a more inclusive and compassionate world. 

What Can You Do? 

  1. Join the Tough To Talk Campaign: Become an official partner and start making a difference in your organization and community. 

  1. Share Personal Stories: Encourage men within your organization to share their experiences with mental health and suicide, fostering understanding and empathy. 

  1. Promote Mental Health Awareness: Organize events, workshops, and seminars that focus on mental health and suicide prevention. 

  1. Challenge Gender Bias: Address and break down stereotypes that prevent men from seeking help and expressing their emotions. 

  1. Support Local Initiatives: Contribute to mental health organisations and suicide prevention programmes in your community. 

  1. Raise much-needed funds: By choosing Tough To Talk as one of your charities of choice, you can help raise much-needed funds to provide life-saving partnerships in male-dominated spaces. Together, we can ensure that organisations such as grassroots sports clubs receive the financial support they need to create safe environments where men and boys feel comfortable discussing their mental health and seeking help. 

Take Action Today 

Don't wait another day to make a change. Become a partner of the Tough To Talk Campaign and help create a world where men no longer feel silenced by stigma, fear, and shame.

Together, we can save lives and build a brighter future for all. 

Join us in this crucial mission.

Contact us to learn more about how you can become a partner and start making a difference today. 

Be bold. Be confident. Choose Tough To Talk. 

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We want more men starting the mental health conversation in male-dominated spaces

Men-only suicide intervention workshops in sectors dominated by men, such as sports teams and predominantly masculine workplaces. The tone of these workshops will be specifically designed for men so they can support other men in a relatable, impactful way. We know from the stats that men will listen to other men but often don't start the conversations. Women predominantly attend SI Workshops, and we focus on shifting the balance. 

We also offer bespoke workshops for male and female courses. 


Let T2T come to you and inspire the men to find the strength to talk

If you want to gain insight and be inspired, look no further. 

Our Tough Talks will feature motivating, interactive talks from suicide survivors who have endured unbelievable hardships and persevered despite the odds. 


Talk Content:
These extraordinary individuals will share their tales of resilience, bravery and hope that have led to a successful outcome for themselves in the face of unimaginable darkness. 
These talks will provide an impactful platform for these speakers to make a difference in our society and provide attendees with powerful tools to change others' lives. Book now and join us on this inspiring journey of personal growth and possibility.


Who should attend?

Everyone who wants to destroy the stigma around men talking about mental health.


Talking about mental health is becoming more accepted, but men still struggle to open up and talk about their emotions. We think the best way to help destroy this stigma is by bringing in lunch and learns or other development initiatives covering mental health topics.


Communicating about mental health doesn't have to be this scary thing anymore – everyone would benefit from a conversation. And if it helps more men feel comfortable expressing themselves in the process, then all the better



An inspiring book written by men for men

A book written by men, for men that will help men understand the stigma surrounding mental health through real-life stories, support pages and signposts to support. This book will be available next year, and all money raised will go back into the charity to support more men's projects. This book has been requested by many women raising boys, and partners who want to help men support themselves. 

If you'd like to add a story to the book or you're a company wanting to sponsor or support the book, please get in touch.

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